Saturday, June 5, 2010

What a S***** Day!

So before you form your own opinion and begin to think that I am a pessimist, read on. I promise it might humor you.
Normally you would think by reading such a title that maybe my day has gone horribly wrong, full of emotion, and filled with anger and regret. But actually it is quite the opposite.
It is a big day for me. A big day in personal accomplisments, and a big day in dealing with things that probably shouldn't be funny... but really are.

So. My office toilet has been running. Running like crazy. It has sounded like a continus flush for the past 2 weeks non-stop. But today I had decided to see if I could put an end to this madness. Yes! I have succesfully put in a new flapper into a toilet and fixed the leaky problem all by myself! Sure the project was easy. And sure it wasn't that big of a deal! But really?! Come on! I, myself fixed a toilet all by myself! In full on pony tail, grossed out expressions, and amazment I did it! Of course I had to put a on a latex glove to cover my minor papercut, just in case I could catch anything dirty... but come on! As much as you would like to not admit it, it is pretty cool! I felt so proud of myself.

Aside from the bathroom antic.... We have geese. Not one. Not two. But perhaps a gaggle? Is that what it is called when you have a group of geese? But really. We have at least 20. All of them come at sunrise and sit on our lovely beach with their babies and friends... and yes.... they poop! A LOT!

The first day I noticed them I thought they were great! I thought they were beyond cute. The way the mommy's lead their little babies around and layed on the beach. It was PRICELESS! The next day I thought....."that's weird. They are still here.... hmmmm?" Then today I thought, "Really? Oh my lord!?" As I heard Jake send our dog Berkley to chase them and then to hear him say, Berkley wait! And then hear shots from his pelet gun trying to scare him away.!"

Today our first guests checked in and I hoped all day that I wouldn't hear the words, "I hate to complain but...."
But! I did hear this. And this is what the lady in cabin #8 said.
"I'm sorry to complain but, if you have a dog fee and require your guests to pick up their dog poop, why is there so much dog poop all around your resort? It is everywhere. I'm sorry. I'm really not a complainer.'
I replied, "No! Th

at is goose poop! I'm sorry! Isn't it horrible! Believe me if it was dog poop that would be a totally different story, but it is those dang geese making a mess. I'm sorry! Just watch where you step!"

... and while I knew there was goose poop from those d*** geese I ventured out to assest the situation. There was poop near and far. Splattered on the docks, the boat landing, everywhere! It took my mom and I close to an hour and a filling a five gallon pail before we finally got MOST of the goose poop under control.

It was gross. It was humorous. It was a.... S**** day!

... at least it was worth a good laugh or two.

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