Friday, August 6, 2010

Pictures of Up North that I LOVE

Kathrine. Lake of the Woods

A quiet morning. Eagle Lake

Fishing with his best friend. Eagle Lake.

Eagle Lake at its finest.

Island Time Band with my dad and I. (yes. we sang with them that night.)
A perfect day on Lake of the Woods
Lake of the Woods

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Top Five Favorite Things of July!!!

July was a good month.
Nope.It was a great month.
It was busy at the resort which is great for business.
I got to sneak away on a mini vacation up north..And there are FIVE GREAT THINGS THAT MADE ME SMILE!
Thing #5 (yes I am counting down to the top favorite thing! I have to add so
me excitement!)

Ok... #5 My newest addition to my cute little family. Lola. What a heart breaker. Who knew you could find such a wonderful pet at the flea market! I knew my addiction to the flea market wasn't in vain.. .I was just waiting for that extra special find! And I did!

Thing #4
I was able to take a road trip to South Dakota with my family for a wedding. I had a great time seeing all my family and celebrating such a wonderful day with them all. The trip, however, to Custer was LONG! So we (as in the kids) entertained ourselves during the
12 hour drive with Kathrine's photo booth feature on her computer... let's just say, this is by far the prettiest picture of me that has ever been produced! (yes I have changed a bit from the other photos!)
I'm kidding!
I don't really look like this!

Thing #3
I have always heard about how my grandpa is the best snapping turtle catcher/handler this side of the Mississippi... but I finally got to see him in action! (see previous post "turtleman") I had to put him and that experience in my top five without a doubt! That was just awesome! I don't care who you are!

Thing #2
Sorry. I have to say it again... I won 1st place.... (finally!) at the flower show for Turkey Days!!! Of course this made the list! This was 6 years in the making my friends!
And finally....
Drum roll please....

Thing #1

My wonderful sister participated again in the Becker County Fair Pageant. She looked beautiful. Did amazing. Made me so proud! But above all this she is officially the greatest gal on the face of the Earth, because after the pageant when she could have easily sat at the queen's reception like all the other contestants, trying to still impress everyone with being proper and elegant... my sister slapped on some flip flops, pulled up her evening gown with red lipstick on and hitched a ride with me on the Phantom Fuery carnival ride... to celebrate all while exclaiming at the top of her lungs.... "world peace!"
Now that is what makes a real queen my friends! Cut all the "proper" crap... and kick back and have fun! I love her!!

Now lets see what August brings!

Last week we had 3 tornadoes hit around the resort. While I was nervous and hid in my house one of our guests continued to grill during the storm... which I might add I am beyond IMPRESSED....

I, on the other hand... hide until the storm passes and then rejoice after it has left the area. This week I was really feeling it and had to take a picture of the calmness "after the storm"

I love this picture.

Nothing says summer like a cute kid walking around with his life jacket on for no reason. I LOVE this picture.