Sunday, June 6, 2010

What?! No Pie!!!????

It is officially summer.

How do I know this? Because the flea market is open. My mom, sister, and I got up this morning to make our first trip to the flea market of the summer. As we were walking around I couldn't help but comment how I love the flea market. It is my go-to place during the summer to getaway, relax, and turn on my creative mind for finding puposes for random treasures.

Today I found some great treasures. An old shelf for my bathroom.... and old large blue mason jar to fill with whatever.... a blown glass vase.... and a bunch of glass grapes! All which I have already found a purpose and a home for.

Just like most trips happen when we go to the flea market we timed our afternoon perfectly to hit lunch time at the Loon's Nest in Vergas.
Vergas is a small town close to the resort, population 300. For being such a small community it has lots of great places to visit, including the Loon's Nest. Nestled down town it is a small cafe that has some of the best food ever! It is good ol' fashioned home cooked food. But the best part about the Loon's Nest is THE PIE! They offer 10 different kinds of pies (dependant on season) that are all homemade and delicious!!! But the part is that you can get a slice of pie and coffee for 99 cents!!!

... our whole drive into Vergas all three of us were beyond excited to have some pie! I know for me, it had been since last summer that I was at the Loon's Nest for pie! My mouth was watering just from the thought of it!

We sat down and ordered our lunches. I was pumped that my lunch came with dessert and I already knew that I was going to get the cherry pie as my dessert of choice. But then as if time stood still for all us gals... we looked around and noticed... wait! No one has any pie! Laughing we told eachother that there was no way that they couldn't have pie. My mom got up to wash her hands and came back to the table with a worried look in her eyes.... "the pie cooler has NOTHING in it!"
..."well that can't be right!" I exclaimed! "Maybe they moved their supply to the back! Or maybe the guy that makes the pies got sick and they are making some more in the kitchen." We shot back ideas and conclusions to one another until the waitor came by. I asked...."are you all out of pie!?"
..........."yes. We ran out yesterday!"

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The food was great. But we sure left disappointed. Oh! And by the way Mr. Pie Maker who makes the best pies in the world... We will be back. And yes! I might eat two slices to make up for today!

Yours truely,
Your biggest fan.

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