Monday, July 27, 2009

Turkey Days, 10KLF, and missing phones... oh my!

It sure has been busy around here.
This past weekend has been a whirlwind, and what a great one! Starting on Thursday night some family of mine came up to stay at the resort. What a great treat! They came just in time to hear the band play at the resort. The weather was perfect which made it a great night to dance with our friends and neighbors. It was funny because as the band played on into the night we could watch boats pull out on to the lake and anchor out just in front of the resort. So we ended up having quite the crowd!
Friday night lead to a lot of dancing and well... too many beers from the beer garden! I blame it all on my friend Reyna who was able to come from Fergus Fall and dance her pants off with me at the annual Turkey Days Street Dance. What a night! I think I even brought out the running man and the sprinkler moves a couple of times. My whole family goes every year and it is always a blast, and this year proved to be just as true!
Saturday morning started off with some confusion. I had lost my phone the week before, and so I ordered in a new one that arrived on Friday. Saturday morning my new phone was "stolen." I just might not get a new phone.... I like this "liberation feeling" of not having one.
But Saturday ended up being a pretty cool day too. It is the normal check in day for the resort guests so the morning was spent cleaing cabins, making welcome baskets, meetin' and greetin' and hanging out with everyone by the lake. Later that night, however, I got to sneak away with my brother and my cousins; Matt and Susan, to go see the Dave Matthews Band play at the 10,000 lakes festival in Detroit Lakes. It was a great night with some great music. I felt like I was back home dancing around with hippies... just like the good ol' days. Definitly a highlight for the summer.
Sunday was spent lounging around...(trying to catch up on some sleep). Jake and I went kayaking, the family and I went to watch the Turkey Day Parade in Frazee.... where we got to see Tiffany (Erik's "friend") for the first time after being crowned Miss Frazee, and then we spent the remainder of the day in the lake tubing, playing board games and enjoying the fine company we all had to share.

Oh! And did I mention that I got 2nd place at the annual Frazee Flower Show! Because... .I did! Woo hoo!

It was a great weekend filled with entertainment and fun! And I have a feeling this upcoming week won't be anything short of amazing either!

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