Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My favorite three words.

Most girls hope and pray to hear those three special words sometime in their lives... They think of what the day will be like when they hear those beautiful words, and imagine where and will it will be, not to mention who is going to say it to them.
Well today... I heard that beautiful phrase. CHARLIE'S FISH FRY! (I might have failed to mention that I am not talking about "I love you")
To me, this might be one of the greatest things I could hear. This time the special someone that told me was Sue, Charlie's sister in law and she called this afternoon with news that the big event would take place in their garage at 6pm, bring a dish to pass.
For those of you who don't know Charlie he is my neighbor. A man with the best stories and the greatest fried fish. He would tell you without a doubt that he has caught at least a million fish in his life time, and the ones he hasn't caught yet... is due to the fact that they are like the mysterious creatures of Eagle Lake, tipping the scales at monstorious weights that the old fishing poles can't handle. To say the least he is great and one of the best neighbors I have had.
Not only is the fish fry a wonderful meal of everything typical and Minnesotan (from deviled eggs to cheesy hashbrowns, rhubarb anything, and butter) but more so it is a treat cause I get to spend time with some of the best people Minnesota has to offer.
We have Ken and Dolores who fill the room with laughter and have one of the most amazing gardens I have ever seen. Which supplies the ample amount of rhubarb for all the summer parties!
Then we have Joe and Sue, Charlie's brother and sister in law. Sue provides the quick one lined comebacks to everything said, and Joe has the sweetest smile of anyone I've seen.
Charlie and Shirley. Charlie as previously stated is the best fish fryer around, and Shirley keeps him grounded when his stories might get a little out of hand.
Then there is Nick. One of my most favorite people ever! Nick lives across the street from me. And this year he will turn 97. He loves his sweets and the Twins. And he has the craziest stories but a heart of gold. The best way to his heart? Give him some cookies and he is done!
These are my neighbors. And they are one of the many reasons I fell in love with this lake and all that it is about. Their humor, their love for life, and their kindness don't go un-noticed, but rather spark something within me everytime I am around them, to slow down and really enjoy the simple things... like fried fish and laughing!

As if my night wasn't great enough... it was topped off with a visit from some of the "little guests" at the resort. Gracie, Madison, and McKenzie paid a visit tonight and brought me s'mores just because.

Needless to say, I ate enough for the next 3 days! But... that is a small price I can pay for the great time I spent with my dear friends.

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