Monday, May 24, 2010

A little bird told me.

My grandma loved birds. As long as I can remeber I have always associated birds with her. We use to joke that she spoiled the birds like her grandchildren. In the morning she would get up and make fresh popcorn, and as kids we all use to get excited that we were going to have popcorn for breakfast, but she always made a fresh batch just for the birds.
She knew them by name, when they came around, and what they liked.
There was a clock in her house that as every hour past by on the hour a new bird would sing a song. Those lovely songs they sang always made me think of my dear grandma. Even when she passed at the end of the ceremony, what seemed to be a million birds came by to sing a song.
Now when I hear them I think of her and smile. To me the birds and my grandmother are the same thing, it is her way of letting me know she is with me.

.... the song birds came back around here a few weeks ago. And all I could hear them say is to follow them to go visit my family, where my grandmother had lived and where I had always loved to visit.
This past weekend I followed them to see some of the people I love the most and be reconnected with that treasured place.
It was a long over due visit, but was such a gift. I felt as if no time had passed and that everything had stayed the same as it was when a couple years ago, even the same way it was when I was a young child.
....My heart feet full again with a new love of life, and the joy of my grandmother... and I am as happy as a bird!

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